How to Elevate Your Brand with Swag
Our guest this week is Stephanie Brown, CEO at Ox & Pine Leather Goods. Stephanie started Ox & Pine back in 2014 with her...

Empowering Manufacturers to Fund Marketing and Sales Initiatives
This week our guest is Micki Vandeloo, the President of Lakeview Consulting. She is a grant writer extraordinaire who has been in...

Sales Training for Sustainable Scalability
This week, we're talking with Hamish Knox, the owner of Sandler Training in Calgary. Hamish is a renowned sales trainer, author...

AI, SEO & How to Crush Your Competition with Trends
Fernando Angulo is the Senior Market Research Manager at Semrush and an absolute rock star in the SEO space and go-to-market...

AI, Call Tracking and Lead Generation
Our guest today is Mike Stocker, VP of Partnerships at CallRail. CallRail is the leading AI-powered call tracking and lead...

The Happiness Advantage: Elevating Sales Recruitment
This week, our guest is Dan Fantasia of Treeline, a sales recruiting organization that specializes specifically and solely in the...

Happy Sales Blueprint: Training, Skills and Mentorship
Welcome back to the Finding Business Happy Podcast! Today, we are talking with a mix of wonderful salespeople from UNH Sales as...

How to Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
It's not easy at all being vulnerable in business. However, some of our company’s most profound and pivotal impacts have come...

Giving Generously and Company Culture
Most people, when they think of company culture, they think about swag, meals, free snacks or even nap pods. But that's not...

Saying No Can Be a Positive Thing
In life, as we all know, most lessons aren’t ones that you ask for. There's a moment in every business that you need to get to,...

Money Secrets are Costing You
As we all know, money can be the barrier between being stuck where you are, or breaking through the next level. Whether that is...

Happy Business Values
As humans, we all have values and perspectives that each individual person stands behind. They are a person's compass for how...

Being Happy with Your Data
Today we're talking all about the data, the good, the bad, the ugly, and what it looks like when you have it all organized...

Being Human to Your Team
Life happens, and work sometimes gets in the way, not because people aren't hard workers or caring people. It can be as simple as...