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Use Customer Feedback to Boost Success | Market Veep

Written by Market Veep | August 21, 2018

In 2018, customers have become a growth engine for companies. Customer reviews can actually be more successful at producing leads than some marketing campaigns. Incorporating your most loyal customers into your marketing strategy will actually boost your company’s growth and success

However, in order to obtain loyal customers you first have to ensure your customers are happy. Your customers are more likely to be loyal if they are happy with your products, services, and company.

Your company needs to have a customer service process that puts the customers first. It has to be a team effort so that everyone has information about customers. That means arming your customer service reps with data, helpful content, and the latest in customer service technology.

But improving customer success is a company-wide endeavor. Using the customer flywheel and inbound service framework will help you create an exceptional customer service experience for your customers.