The Market Veep Blog - Marketing Made Human

Your Inbound Business Story Is Worth Selling | Market Veep

Written by Jennelle McGrath | December 4, 2018

People formulate memories based on the details surrounding an emotion. When you are able to list in order a set of details you want someone to remember, surrounded around one central emotional concept you want them to take away, it all gets stored somewhere in their mind as a story. That's why sharing your inbound business origin story can help fuel your inbound marketing strategy.

Adding Value to Your Content with Context

Whether it’s a rags-to-riches story or an “accidental discovery” archetype, your products have a story to tell. Products don’t inherently have emotions, but we can associate our own emotions with them. A great way to do that is by asking yourself “Why should people care about what I’m offering?” That could start with how you came to be the provider of your service.