The Market Veep Blog - Marketing Made Human

Get More from HubSpot's Lead Segmentation Tool | Market Veep

Written by Jennelle McGrath | September 1, 2017

Hubspot’s lead segmentation tools provide users with the ability to sort contacts into different categories based on lead intelligence and behavioral data. When your contacts are segmented, you can send more specific and contextual messages to the right people.

This encourages higher rates of engagement and a greater ROI for your marketing. For example, the average click rate across industries for custom emails sent to segmented lists is over 100% higher than those sent without segmentation.

If you’re new to Hubspot, you may be unsure about why lead segmentation is important to your business. There are many ways to segment your lists. You can do so demographically, but there are more important factors to look for.

For example, you can segment by the lifecycle stage of your contacts or their role within their company.