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Web Design: Traditional vs. Growth-Driven | Market Veep

Written by Jennelle McGrath | June 29, 2018

The traditional approach to web development is the way websites have been redesigned for years. In that time, people began to notice that certain flaws and problems popped up constantly. Growth-Driven Design was created to solve many of these problems. That doesn’t mean that Growth-Driven website design have completely replaced traditional websites. There are still many situations where traditional is the smarter approach.

Nonetheless, there is a noticable difference between Growth Driven Design websites and traditional ones, not just in the way they are developed, but also in the way they perform.

1. Decision-Making

When it comes to decision-making about implementations and features of the website, the traditional web design process varies greatly from Growth-Driven website designs.

With the traditional approach, you’ll often make decisions based on assumptions and industry “best practices”. You may get lucky from time to time and these assumptions may play out in your favor, but it's never guaranteed. Not to mention that “best practices” aren’t always entirely accurate.

For years, it was “best practice” to have a carousel of ads and CTA’s on the homepage of your website. Developers now know that carousels are ineffective and generally try to steer away from them. But a couple of years ago they may have put one on your site because it was “best practice.”

Growth-Driven Design is a different approach. All of your decision-making is focused on data. Growth-Driven website designs are meant to be developed for the user, so it only makes sense that decisions are made from user data and test findings. This approach ensures there’s a good reason behind every decision.