The Market Veep Blog - Marketing Made Human

Know Your Audience: 5 Buyer Persona Tips | Market Veep

Written by Jennelle McGrath | November 22, 2019

There are few things more fundamental to your company’s success than its buyer personas. These fictionalized, but well-researched, personas not only represent your ideal customers but also act as a sort of “roadmap” for all your marketing efforts. They give you a face to the person you’re marketing your brand toward, and in doing so, empower you to create content specifically for that person.

Like HubSpot says, buyer personas help people in marketing, sales, product, and services work together to “internalize the ideal customer we're trying to attract, and relate to our customers as real humans.”

Whereas the outbound marketing methodologies of the past usually treated customers purely as a source of ROI, the inbound marketing methodologies of today are committed to the reality that buyers (and sellers) are people with their own identities, preferences, and habits. But if you don’t invest the proper time in developing your buyer personas, then your marketing audience will be ill-defined. And if your marketing audience is ill-defined, they might as well not exist at all.