The Market Veep Blog - Marketing Made Human

The Role of Artificial Intelligence on the Web | Market Veep

Written by Jennelle McGrath | August 16, 2018

The term artificial intelligence paints wild pictures of robots who think and act as humans. While that form of artificial intelligence is certainly possible, it isn’t going to be reality for a while. Instead, artificial intelligence (referred to as AI) is used in much more subtle ways

Almost all modern smartphones have some sort of AI feature. Usually, they are in the form of voice recognition software. The role of AI in today’s world is very practical. Computers have always been fast, efficient, and dependable at doing what they are told. AI is being used to add flexibility to these programs so they may adapt to users and accomplish the task at hand in a better way.

The emergence of AI in web development has allowed these programs to take on much more complicated tasks, such as customer service, individual-based marketing, and human-computer interactions.