Creating a positive company culture is one of the best things you can do for your business. When your employees work in an environment with a clear, positive, and productive culture, then they’ll be better motivated, more creative, and fully committed to helping your brand become the best version of itself it can be.
While every company’s culture is unique, there’s still value to be found in observing others and seeing how their methods can help you find your own unique brand of success. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the best company cultures out there right now:
Despite being one of the most profitable companies out there right now, Netflix still sports one of the best company cultures (that's also one of the most talked about). The streaming company employs around six-thousand people, and yet has still found a way to ensure that they consistently rank among the very best companies to work for.
A large factor in Netflix’s success in this regard comes from its approach to employee expectations and evaluations. Rather than closely monitoring their staff’s productivity and hours, Netflix has abandoned formal performance reviews cross-departmental meetings. It’s their belief that these meetings and reviews were too infrequent and surface-level to bring about meaningful results.
Instead, Netflix has implemented consistent and informal 360-degree reviews where honesty is valued, no one is anonymous, and self-development is prioritized over formal development programs. Netflix has developed one of the best company cultures because they've built it not on the idea of control, but rather, on employee’s living up to the contextual expectations they’re given.
What this model does is allow for the individual to thrive in ways that work best for them. Things like a formal vacation policy simply don’t exist at Netflix; instead, salaried employees are asked to act in the company’s best interests but are still given the freedom to take time off whenever they feel it’s needed. This level of trust in its employees have not only saved Netflix money, but it’s helped them hold onto a high employee retention rate that keeps them moving, engaged, and enthusiastic about the work they’re doing.