The Market Veep Blog - Marketing Made Human

Boost Visibility: Google AdWords for SEO | Market Veep

Written by Jennelle McGrath | May 19, 2016

While an effective SEO strategy is the greatest way to leverage the power of Google’s high-visibility search results, there’s no way to give your marketing a little extra ‘oomph’ than Google AdWords. Using AdWords, you’ll be able to place highly visible ads with valuable insights on your efforts through Google’s powerful analysis tools. And the best part is every campaign is ultra-customizable.

Here's how Google AdWords increase your can search engine visibility get you more leads:

1. You’ll Share More Information

AdWords campaigns put your phone number, address, and other vital information in the hands of your target audience right when they need you most. Creating and maintaining this sort of immediate visibility is indispensable. It's hard to obtain organic search engine visibility. You should certainly try to, but use Google Adwords to give yourself a boost.

2. You’ll Always Know How Well It’s Working

AdWords keeps track of a myriad of different statistics related to your campaign’s effectiveness. Most important among these are the number of clicks each ad receives, as well as the actual sales each ad is responsible for. With access to this up-to-the-minute information, you’ll be able to tweak and improve your campaign at any time.