The Market Veep Blog - Marketing Made Human

14 Best Tips to Design an Effective Live Chat Window

Written by Sam Meza | December 12, 2019

Live chat for business is the most up-and-coming channel for customer support, sales, marketing, and beyond. A well-designed live chat window can help increase user engagement on your website by offering an optimized channel for near-instant communication.

Here are 14 tips for creating an engaging live chat window for your company’s website:

1) Use Branded Colors

Your chat window should look consistent with the rest of your website. Using branded colors is a great way to maintain your brand’s look and feel in your chat window design.

For example, look at how Home Depot’s chat window design mirrors the color scheme and general aesthetic of the rest of their website. Not only does the chat window hide on the edge of the page (seen in the left image), but when it opens up, it feels like an appropriate and natural extension of their website's brand aesthetic.

2) Add a Background

Adding a background to your chat window is another way to maintain branding consistency on your live chat window design.

Just make sure that the background you choose doesn’t make it hard to read the text. Like you can see in the example above and below, the live chat window design includes a background so you can easily see the text without messing up the overall consistency of the web page.