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Adjusting SaaS Sales Process Post-Coronavirus | Market Veep

Written by Bill Viau | July 7, 2020

The initial chaos and confusion around COVID-19 may have passed, but the ongoing safety measures and long-term impact of the virus will not subside anytime soon. Software-as-a-service (SaaS) has had the good fortune to enter the “shift everything online” crisis with a digital-first business model. However, this doesn’t mean your SaaS brand experienced no repercussions

A rapid shift to 100% remote work would be challenging in any centralized office, for sure. But the larger issue for SaaS sales has been the reticence of clients to purchase in this kind of market. The B2B sales process, especially, has suffered from clients cutting back expenses and hot leads rapidly cooling to hunker down and wait this out. It’s not easy to sell to prospects who want to conserve cash and punt their purchase for indefinite periods of time, even if your product lives online.

Now that state and local economies are starting to reopen, it’s time to adjust your SaaS sales process to the new normal. Companies and individuals are starting to buy again — but recovery won’t happen on its own. The six SaaS strategies below will help your brand reconnect with hesitant customers and become more resilient in the face of an uncertain future.