The Market Veep Blog - Marketing Made Human

Promote Your Products through Social Media | Market Veep

Written by Jennelle McGrath | July 25, 2016

Every day, millions of internet users visit social networking sites. As a living, breathing community, social media outlets have huge sway over whether modern products succeed or fail. If you’re developing a new product or you’ve already released one, you should consider promoting your product through social media. You can’t afford to go without these vital pieces of your marketing campaign.

The “Why” of Promoting Your Product Through Social Media

A marketer’s currency is information. It shapes our decisions and helps us reform old ones to continually improve our trade. So, why pass up on some of the most prevalent, easy-to-use data that’s ever been available?

  1. You build rapport with your customers.
    When you market a product through social media, you build a relationship with your audience that makes your company memorable and desirable. After constant exposure to your messages and products, you’ll have top-of-mind recognition from just about everyone in your target audience.
  2. You can see what your customers think.
    Offering surveys to customers may be a time-tested approach to garnering feedback on your product quality; however, the most important data is often not from the questions you ask your customers, but what they tell other consumers. Social media gives you insight into how your brand is carried by its customers and how it’s regarded by the general public.
  3. You build trust with consumers.
    Your product needs to be promoted not by your company, but by the personality it portrays. Personable, genuine interaction with your customer base will lead them to trust you more, and thus, trust your product more.