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Ways to Promote Sales and Marketing Alignment | Market Veep

Written by Jennelle McGrath | February 3, 2017

Everything's better when people work well together, but it can be difficult to make that happen if you don’t know where to start. There are great rewards for businesses who align sales and marketing teams, as companies see 36% higher customer retention and a 38% higher sales rate when their teams are working toward the same goals.

Sales and marketing alignment creates a steady flow of leads, prospects, and customers down the marketing and sales funnel. Sales and marketing alignment also leads to a more enjoyable work environment.

Businesses who are struggling to get their sales and marketing teams to work in tandem have to start somewhere. Technology is useful in this respect, but it's just a tool. Usually, a business should start by working with people directly. Here are the 3 best ways to prioritize your company's sales and marketing alignment:

1. Alignment Meetings

Meetings may seem like a routine part of the business day. Not all meetings have to be the same, however.

To start the sales and marketing alignment process, both teams need to be present. The purpose of the first meeting is to discuss major changes to the way the sales and marketing department work together. When everyone is onboard, both teams can hash out the problems that are arising from the current system and a new system can be discussed and established.

After the initial alignment meeting, have regular meetings scheduled so the teams can continue working on their sales and marketing alignment. This allows them to take a moment out of the workday to assess their progress. Furthermore, they'll identify problems and discover ways to maximize their results. Once sales and marketing teams are better aligned, these meetings could become a place to celebrate accomplishments and work on new strategies. 

In addition to business meetings, sales and marketing teams could also benefit from getting to know each other. In other words, let them have some fun! Team building exercises, outings, and events allow sales and marketing teams to get to know the human side of the other department. This is great for building trust and cooperation between them, which can lead to positive results in the future.