The 15 Facebook KPIs You Should Be Tracking
There are 11 Facebook campaign objectives to choose from. But when you add in dozens of Facebook...

70 Facebook Terms & Definitions
Whether you’re choosing a campaign objective or determining the best Facebook KPIs, one of the most...

4 Things You Should Know About Marketing Your Cannabusiness
Legal cannabis (both medical and recreational) launched a booming industry, but one that’s also...

Identifying 6 of the Best Apps for Startups
Developing a startup marketing strategy can feel a bit like balancing a tall tower of fragile...

The 14 Secrets to an Engaging Live Chat Window Design
Live chat for business is the most up-and-coming channel for customer support, sales, marketing,...

Chatbot vs. Live Chat: Which One Should You Use?
With 79% of businesses saying that live chat has had a positive effect on sales, revenue, and...

3 Ways to Use Live Chat for Sales
Modern sales processes revolve around the buyer. That means communicating with them when and how...

How Can You Improve Your Lead Follow-Up Process?
Someone has just downloaded one of your content offers by filling out a contact form on your...

6 Best Sales Enablement Tools to Increase Your Team’s Productivity
Sales enablement is crucial if you want your company to soar. According to Gartner’s definition,...

Why the Marketing Flywheel is Taking Over the Sales Pipeline
Gartner predicted in 2011 that customers would manage 85% of their relationship with an enterprise...

Lead Nurturing Strategy: Boost Sales & Advocacy
It’s a simple (but oft-repeated) tidbit of business wisdom: half of your qualified leads are not...

Buyer Personas Matter: 5 Tips for Knowing Your Audience
There are few things more fundamental to your company’s success than its buyer personas. These...

Content That Explores All Marketing Funnel Stages
There’s a bit of a paradox at work in the content marketing funnel. On the one hand, many companies...

5 HubSpot Tools to Drive Sales for Startups
The HubSpot software suite has a little something for everyone — marketing, sales, service; you...

3 Common Inbound Marketing Challenges and Solutions
Inbound marketing is the dominant force in the industry for a reason: it works. Instead of relying...

Digital Ad Spend and Lead Generation Relationship
Lead generation is the lifeblood of your business. While there are plenty of unpaid channels to...

4 Live Chat Best Practices
Successful businesses adapt to the demands of their consumers. People are increasingly demanding...

When Should My Sales Team Reach Out to an Inbound Lead?
A visitor comes to your website and fills out a contact form. When should you reach out? The right...

Streamline Your Sales Pipeline Management with These 5 Tips
Your company’s sales pipeline touches every stage of your sales process. It not only helps you keep...