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Every Law Firm Needs a Legal Content Writer | Market Veep

Written by Jennelle McGrath | May 3, 2017

Individuals in need of legal assistance look for lawyers online. According to a survey of consumers by Thomson Reuters, 38% of respondents claimed that they would first use the internet to find a lawyer before switching to other channels. That’s compared to 29% who would ask a friend and just 4% who would rely on the yellow pages. The internet is now the most popular way to find a lawyer, and producing digital content is the easiest and most affordable way to get found. That’s why every law firm needs a legal content writer.

Digital marketing content usually takes the form of web page copy, blog posts, and content offers. Legal content experts write with two targets in mind: search engines and the person reading the content.

Ranking In Search Results

When you enlist the help of a legal content writer, they should know how to make their content speak to search engines. Without search engine optimization (SEO), the likelihood of someone reading your content is much lower. A legal content writer creates every piece of content with a focus keyword or keywords.

They determine keywords based on your target audience, keyword measurement tools, your practice areas, and educated guesswork. They represent the queries that your clients are likely to type into search engines. To get results, keywords need to be used naturally in body text, alt texts, meta descriptions, and other locations.

Some keywords are harder to rank for than others. An experienced legal content writer uses special software to research keyword ranking opportunities.

For example, if you are a personal injury lawyer, you may have trouble ranking for a keyword like “personal injury lawyer.”

With this keyword, you’re competing against every other personal injury lawyer online. You’re also competing against any other pages that cover the topic, such as news publications.

If you happen to be looking for clients in New York, you may have better luck ranking for “personal injury lawyer in New York.” Marketing professionals can help you determine your best keyword options. They have access to software that helps them identify relevant keywords and optimize written content.

Once your legal content writer has created a large body of content, you’ll start to see high rankings for search queries. Optimize each web page and blog post for a specific keyword to expand your reach to multiple queries. SEO isn’t an exact science because the internet is dynamic. With an ongoing content effort, you’ll ensure that you’re always achieving plenty of rankings.