The Market Veep Blog - Marketing Made Human

Is HubSpot for Startups a Good Investment? | Market Veep

Written by Bill Viau | October 29, 2019

Every startup begins with an underdog story. You’re wading into the fray like a plucky squire to fight against category dragons. But have you found the right tools and techniques to slowly morph the sea of doubters into a crowd of your biggest fans? What will be your startup marketing weapon of choice?

Whatever you pick, it’s got to cover all your needs. Scaling startups need to arm themselves with cutting edge marketing automation, lead nurturing tools, powerful analytics, an intuitive website, and content that will really speak to their ideal customers. A killer sales and marketing platform can drive the growth you need around your Minimum Viable Product.

And there are a ton of options. One you might have heard about is HubSpot for Startups. In 2016, HubSpot launched a project to help hungry, growing startups—like they once were—access their powerful platform on a startup budget. It’s a valuable opportunity, but what does it entail, exactly? Let’s break down what you get for the investment: