The Market Veep Blog - Marketing Made Human

Snapchat's Role in Your Inbound Marketing Approach

Written by Jennelle McGrath | January 22, 2019

With approximately 188 million daily users across the world, Snapchat has a large and ever-growing audience who frequent the site multiple times a day. The platform is unique in that its emphasis is on pictures that expire within a day, meaning that whatever content is posted has to make an impact on an audience in just a few seconds.

Because of this, Snapchat users need to provide a consistent stream of engaging content if they hope to hold their audience’s attention. This is a more casual platform than Facebook or LinkedIn, but this laidback approach can be the foundation for an effective Snapchat marketing strategy if you're willing to learn how it works.

If you’re looking to expand your social media network with Snapchat, then take a look at the following reasons and explanations for including Snapchat in your marketing strategies. It’s not for everyone, but when used by the right brands in the right ways, it can be an incredibly profitable tool in your marketing efforts.