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Improve Your Website for Lead Conversions |Market Veep

Written by Jennelle McGrath | December 26, 2016

An effective website will be easy for your potential customers to find. After all, you want them to learn about your products and services. The most important way your website can serve your business is by converting visitors into leads, however.

Although there are many ways to get more leads, you can also improve your website to increase lead conversions. Leads are different from your casual visitor. They’ve given you their contact information and expressed a genuine interest in what your business has to offer.

The task for businesses is finding the magical solution that causes people to convert. Regarding your website, there are two factors that contribute to your overall lead generation: your website traffic and your website itself.

You can drive website traffic using a long list of strategies, but here are some of the most effective:

  • SEO: improving your ranking and visibility in search engine results
  • Blogging: posting free, useful content online to catch the interest of potential customers
  • Social Media Marketing: Generating likes and shares on social media so more people follow links to your website
  • Email Marketing: Sending helpful emails to your list of contacts and linking back to your website is a key strategy that can be enhanced with the expertise of an email marketing agency.

After you’ve used these strategies for a predetermined length of time (make sure to set a testing period so you can measure your results), you should see a spike in website traffic. But if you still aren’t getting as many leads as you’d like, it might be time to look at your second challenge: how to improve your website.

These days, people have certain expectations for what a business website should look like and how it should function. You may have heard the news story claiming that the human attention span is approximately 8 seconds, which is less than that of a goldfish.

Suffice it to say, you don’t have long to impress your website visitors. If you are still relying on an outdated site to drive leads, you might not be meeting people’s expectations. The good news is: you can improve your website to increase lead conversions without having to start from scratch.