The Market Veep Blog - Marketing Made Human

Hello Marketing Flywheel: A New Approach | Market Veep

Written by Jennelle McGrath | July 13, 2018

With the creation of HubSpot’s new customer service software, Service Hub, HubSpot has updated the traditional marketing funnel that everyone is so accustomed to. In fact, it’s no longer a marketing funnel at all, but a customer-centric marketing flywheel. The change from marketing funnel to marketing flywheel was brought on by the increasing importance of customer satisfaction.

In a world that's continually shifting its focus toward the customer, the marketing funnel doesn’t work quite as well as it used to. The marketing funnel, while still useful, starts with marketing and ends with closing deals, which puts the customer as the las item on the to-do list. With customers possessing more control in the sales process than ever before, the funnel has lost some of its edge.