We’ve all been there: you wake up and check your email, only to find that your monitor starts to bulge outward a bit from the built-up pressure of hundreds of emails that somehow found their way into your inbox. How are you going to read all of these? Easy - you probably won’t. Not right away, at least.
Time to do a little message triage. You skim through the subject line of each piece, choosing the seemingly most important or interesting ones to read first. Then, perhaps days later, you almost get to the last message - but then, another wave of urgent messages crashes on the shores of your inbox. Once again, the less interesting ones are pushed out to sea.
So how do you get time stressed clients to read your emails?
Your clients go through the same process. Generally speaking, the only way to get time stressed clients to read your emails is if you use the right combination of professionalism, personality, and intrigue in both the subject line and the body of your work.