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How Email Marketing Can Earn You More Clients | Market Veep

Written by Jennelle McGrath | June 2, 2016

Although social media has become a model marketing tool, don’t throw your email tools out just yet. By most measures, email is still far-and-away the most profitable approach to marketing. While this has many attributed causes, the big ones to note are email is more widely-used, more personal, and more direct.

So, are you trying to figure out how email marketing services can earn you more clients? Try these specific types of email campaigns:


For years, newsletters have been the old standby of email marketing. With a monthly, weekly, or daily report of what’s new in your company, you’ll keep your business on your customers’ minds by simply keeping them updated. These emails are largely informational rather than real marketing material, but it still accomplishes the same goal.

To kick your conversions into high-gear, consider adding attention-grabbing Calls to Action (or CTAs) inside of the body. Invitations to events, recommended blog posts, and subscriber discounts on your company’s products are effective. You want people to read your emails, but readers aren't necessarily clients.

Conversion opportunities are a way that email marketing can earn you more clients.


How many times have you opened Facebook to find 20 new event invitations? Facebook events have become as ubiquitous as spam. They often get ignored, or someone says they're "interested" in an event but never shows up.

Promoting an upcoming event through email is much more effective. You’ve already groomed your audience. They’ve expressed enough interest in your company to solicit emails. As a result, they’ll be more likely to read about your event in an email than elsewhere.

You’ll get a higher response rate and firmer answers from an email campaign promoting an event because your mailing list simply wants to hear about it.