The Market Veep Blog - Marketing Made Human

How Blogging Generates Leads for Attorneys | Market Veep

Written by Jennelle McGrath | May 26, 2017

If you’ve done any research into what generates leads for attorneys, you’ve likely come across the topic of blogging. Some attorneys are excited by the prospect of writing a blog. Others think it sounds like a giant waste of time. But blogging gives you a chance to answer the frequently asked questions of your clients and show off your expertise. You can also use it as a medium for expressing your expert opinions on news items. Blogging is a form of content marketing. It can be a fun exercise, but it also generates substantial amounts of leads for attorneys.

If you’re skeptical about blogging, you’re not alone. Some attorneys don’t think they have the time to write a blog. Many don’t see it as an effective marketing tactic because they don’t think anyone will read it. There are a million blogs online, and getting yours noticed is difficult. But keep in mind that 70% of consumers prefer to get to know an organization through articles rather than ads.