The Market Veep Blog - Marketing Made Human

7 Best Practices to Improve Your SEO | Market Veep

Written by Jennelle McGrath | November 8, 2018

Understanding SEO isn’t a simple task, especially when it comes to finding the “best” ways to use it to take advantage of the vast, diverse, and ever-changing streams of traffic on the internet. To help you become an expert at using search engine algorithms to your advantage, you’re going to want to become familiar with these tools and concepts:

  • Keywords
  • Topic clusters
  • Searcher intent
  • Meta descriptions
  • Internal linking
  • Authoritative content

Even if you just had to Google what a meta description is, you can still get a handle on how these best practices can improve your SEO. Nonetheless, delving into SEO can still feel overwhelming, so to help you get a firm grasp on it, let’s break these down one-by-one.