The Market Veep Blog - Marketing Made Human

Automating Manufacturer Marketing Strategies | Market Veep

Written by Bill Viau | November 30, 2020

Manufacturer marketing campaigns have often flown under the radar in the public mindset. After all, it’s the business-to-consumer manufacturers — think fashion or lifestyle brands like automakers and sneaker companies — that tend to get the most marketing attention (and to see marketing as most critical to their growth).

B2B-focused manufacturing firms traditionally view lead generation as a core role of the sales department. The inside and outside sales professionals are the ones performing direct, account-based outreach with potential customers on the phone, at trade shows, and in the office, supplemented by tightly targeted advertising in niche, industry publications.

Yes, Manufacturers Need Marketing Automation

Why would a manufacturer in a historically sales-dominated B2B space benefit from a robust marketing automation platform? The truth is there’s just less time for labor-intensive strategies (trade shows, direct mail, physical collateral, or catalogs) that hold less sway over buyers than they used to.  We live in an increasingly digital, buyer-centric world. Most of the buyer’s journey now consists of independent (often internet-based) research on the part of the buyer themselves, without any input from a salesperson. This is where effective marketing does its best work.

Thomasnet laid out this excellent breakdown of the long and complex modern buying cycle for B2B manufacturers:

  • The buyer identifies their need for a product or service.
  • The buyer researches different solutions to collect more information.
  • If creating a new design, the buyer researches product data.
  • The buyer evaluates potential suppliers for their desired solution.
  • The buyer makes a shortlist of the best suppliers.
  • The buyer purchases from the supplier they deem the best fit.