The Market Veep Blog - Marketing Made Human

Create Gated Content Offers That Generate Leads

Written by Jennelle McGrath | December 30, 2016

If you engage in any form of content marketing, you’re already aware of how much it can help your company. You can conduct a successful content marketing campaign without spending a single dollar on ad space. It costs 62% less than traditional marketing practices and generates more than three times as many leads. The trick is creating gated content that visitors can't resist.

However, early steps can give you fast results. Create and maintain a company blog and you’re likely to see additional traffic on your company’s website. But to convert those visitors into quality leads, you’ll need to create gated content offers.

Creating Gated Content Offers

Specifically, gated content offers are your pieces of marketing content that are “gated” behind a contact form. When creating these types of content, you should keep in mind that your potential customers have to give you something to access them: usually, their contact information.

That means the gated content that you produce should give them something in return; you can’t just present them with a sales pitch. Generally speaking, there are 5 tactics for creating gated content that will generate leads: