The Market Veep Blog - Marketing Made Human

11 Blog Ideas to Help Lawyers Reach Clients | Market Veep

Written by Jennelle McGrath | March 15, 2017

More people are searching for lawyers online than ever before. When a potential client types a legal query into a search engine, you’ll want them to land on one of your web pages. Each visit is a chance to convert them into a real client.

To expand your reach, you can create additional web pages based on your practice areas and other topics. But the one thing that can really help lawyers reach the right people is creating a legal blog and posting regularly on a range of targeted topics.

Many of today’s businesses maintain a blog in some form and 70% of customers say blog posts influence their buying decisions. Although blogging is now common practice in the business world, not many lawyers or law firms have a blog.

In fact, the American Bar Association reported in 2015 that 65% of law firms don’t have a blog at all, while 9% did not know. Individual lawyers were also less likely to blog than firms. That means today’s lawyers have a unique opportunity to use blogging to reach the right people and gain more exposure than their competitors.

Of course, to maintain a blog, you have to post regularly. Sometimes the hardest part of writing a blog post is coming up with an initial idea. Here are 11 blog ideas that help lawyers reach the right people:

1. Legal Advice on Specific Practice Areas

Your expertise in your practice area is perhaps your greatest strength. It’s also the most sought after resource amongst your potential clients. To reach the right people, you can generate blog posts about your specific practice areas so that internet searchers can find some of the answers they are looking for. You can write at length about these topics, so don’t restrict yourself.

For example, if you are a personal injury lawyer, you could cover every niche of personal injury law rather than write a single personal injury law blog post. You could create a step guide covering what to do if someone has been injured at work. You could write another post about what to do if someone has been involved in a car accident that resulted in an injury.