Streamline Hubspot Onboarding with a HubSpot Partner Agency

Streamline Hubspot Onboarding with a HubSpot Partner Agency

Jennelle McGrath Jennelle McGrath 6 min read Apr 21, 2021
Hubspot Onboarding with a Partner Agency | Market Veep

So you’ve invested in the incredible HubSpot platform. Congratulations! Next stop: HubSpot onboarding.

This is a gradual process with a lot of small steps, but it doesn’t need to overwhelm you.  You can streamline everything and get your business up to speed quickly by leveraging the experience and certified skills of a HubSpot partner agency

HubSpot is a carefully tuned,  highly intuitive, one-stop tool for growing your business. So onboarding should be a breeze, right? To be honest, it can be, but there are a few things to keep in mind as you approach the HubSpot onboarding process for the first time.

HubSpot is flush with great features and interconnected with virtually everything your company does across all three Hubs (Marketing, Sales, and Service). Consider that anyone using the robust HubSpot platform to its utmost power will have it handling tasks as diverse as: 

  • Gathering website analytics
  • Automating email workflows
  • Organizing deal pipelines
  • Maintaining a responsive CRM database
  • Lead scoring
  • Publishing to your blog
  • Posting to social accounts
  • Importing and segmenting contact lists
  • Hosting downloadable assets
  • Configuring live chats

And this is just the beginning. Depending on the level of HubSpot that you’ve purchased, the software might actually be able to do much, much more...

Wow, So There’s a Lot to Set Up! Who Does All That?

Given this enormous scope, HubSpot onboarding can be expected to contain a plethora of small, technical “connecting and configuring everything” steps that are easy to overlook. Handling it all yourself, in-house, would take a few HubSpot experts on-staff at a bare minimum, and even then it could take a good while to cross every “t” and dot every “i”.

Luckily, this isn’t necessary. The team at HubSpot is always available (for a fee) to guide you. A HubSpot partner agency is another excellent resource, and these agencies can often take care of everything faster, with less work on your part, and at a lower expense. Both of these options take some of the load of HubSpot onboarding off of your plate and give you an expert consultant with the know-how to prevent anything from falling through the cracks.

So you’ve got a choice to make. Who will assist you with the HubSpot onboarding? HubSpot? Or a HubSpot Partner Agency?

Option 1: HubSpot

Working directly with HubSpot is a straightforward option.  Many larger companies — with time, budget, sufficient in-house marketing personnel to facilitate, and work hours to spare — have opted to handle HubSpot onboarding directly through the HubSpot team. 

For companies in this situation, it may seem easier to just pay HubSpot an additional $3,000 (for Marketing Pro) or $6,000 (for Marketing Enterprise) in onboarding fees. This added expense becomes a part of your initial purchase of the software and you can be done with it. No search is necessary for a right-fit agency. And after all, it’s easy to put your faith in the brand that made the product. 

However, the truth is that working with HubSpot is more expensive and generally takes a lot more in-house work. The team at HubSpot will be available to guide you through the HubSpot onboarding process, but there’s very little they’ll actually do for your company (you’ll be the one doing, for the most part).

  • What They’ll Do: In exchange for your $3,000 or $6,000, HubSpot will provide you with an expert consultant to meet with you, make recommendations, provide resources, and lead you through all of the necessary steps to connect your systems and get started. They may alert you to certain useful HubSpot tools and suggest that you use them. They might let you know that you’ll need to connect your subdomains and provide an article on how to do it.
  • What They Won’t Do: What the HubSpot team won’t do is actually go into the back end of your portal and hook up your website, migrate you off of existing platforms, upload contact lists, build out deal stages, or other such tasks. This will all be up to you and your staff (under their guidance). It is  possible to pay for an escalated package at a higher cost to get some additional assistance, but the price of onboarding is a significant investment on its own.

Option 2: HubSpot Partner Agency

Each HubSpot partner agency is a certified expert on the HubSpot technology suite with specialization in at least one of the HubSpot Hubs, if not two or even all three.  Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Elite tier partners—which are easy to find and filter with the HubSpot Solutions Directory—have also distinguished themselves for living up to the highest expectations for performance and experience in HubSpot software. HubSpot officially recognizes such special skill with a tier label.

The biggest advantage of working with a HubSpot partner agency is that most will waive the traditional $3,000 HubSpot onboarding fee and take care of a large portion of the process without you lifting a finger.  In truth, not every part of HubSpot onboarding can be done by someone else — your involvement is needed in some areas. But there’s no better way to streamline the process than working with a HubSpot partner agency.

  • What An Agency Can Do: The HubSpot onboarding process is a breeze with a team of agency experts right in the weeds, handling complex tasks and checking all the boxes with professional speed.  It would be tough to list, in detail, everything an agency might take on as a part of HubSpot onboarding, but here’s a sampling—based on our own process at Market Veep—just to give you an idea:
    • Install your HubSpot tracking code across your website (for analytics)
    • Add subdomains for landing pages and email sending
    • Migrate your existing blog (from Wordpress, for example) into HubSpot and redirect all links
    • Switch over the forms on the back end of your website
    • Facilitate HubSpot integrations with other top software
    • Strategically configure your HubSpot CRM
    • Customize the default settings for deal stages (to match your actual sales process)
    • Upload brand colors, fonts, time zone, and more into your HubSpot site
    • Import existing contact lists, and help to segment them for proper email distribution
    • Set up and customize landing page and Hubspot email templates
    • Connect HubSpot into your company social media channels
    • Configure your live chat and popups to drive leads through HubSpot
  • What An Agency Can’t Do: As you can see, there are a lot of moving parts to assemble before this engine can hit the ground running! It wouldn’t be realistic to think the agency can get it all done in an hour on day one. Most of the process will get finished within a week or two, and all HubSpot onboarding can usually be wrapped up within the first month. Keep in mind that your agency will only know what you choose to share with them about your company. They’ll need to meet with your team to gather insights into your process, access to your assets, logins for social accounts, and other necessary information that they will then leverage to set up a personalized HubSpot ecosystem.

Certain complex projects (like a full Salesforce integration, or a migration off of Pardot) can sometimes take a while longer for the partner agency to complete, depending on how many total assets have to move or properties need to be changed.

But How Can the Agency Streamline HubSpot Onboarding?

Want to dodge the onboarding fee? A HubSpot onboarding agency can waive that and also take a load off your shoulders, but this is a budget and workload-related advantage. What about speed?

Here are a few ways you can streamline the process with a strategic partner:

More Bandwidth = Faster Results

A HubSpot agency is the perfect shortcut for your busy, stressed in-house team. You’ll get more done, faster, and be able to leverage sure-handed experience in all areas of the HubSpot system even as your team continues to tackle high-priority projects elsewhere. Having HubSpot available to advise you is nice, but it doesn’t compare to the bandwidth boost of adding a HubSpot partner agency to the mix.

Less Troubleshooting

Both direct HubSpot onboarding and onboarding through a HubSpot partner agency will require some participation and availability from your team.  However, with the agency handling the heavy lifting, you eliminate any potential for extended back-and-forth troubleshooting with HubSpot as you try to make sense of their how-to-do-it-yourself resources.

Easier Training

HubSpot has to balance training across thousands of businesses using their products. The mass training model makes it difficult to be hands-on and personal with each individual business. The majority of HubSpot training exists in pre-recorded videos and written how-to guides. 

With an agency, you’ll have much more flexibility to calibrate training to your needs and comfort level. Better yet, since the agency will be curating a lot of the HubSpot onboarding process, your staff will not be overwhelmed with an accelerated training program. They’ll have time to learn the ropes at their own pace and truly master the system one step at a time.

Strategic Onboarding

In a real rush? Lean on your agency’s expertise to decide exactly how to prioritize the onboarding dominoes so that the most impactful pieces fall into place first for a rapid rollout of your first HubSpot-powered marketing campaign. When you already know how each onboarding process flows into the next, you can streamline your workflow for both immediate and long-term success.

Save Time and Keep It Simple. We’re Here to Help!

The bottom line is that a manual, in-house HubSpot onboarding process can take a lot out of you. If you work together with an agency, your team will be less stressed, onboarding will move quickly, and you’ll hit the ground running. You can trust a certified HubSpot partner agency to lend valuable experience and capable hands, ultimately saving you time and money.

If you have any lingering questions or want more information on how HubSpot onboarding works, we’re happy to talk you through it! Just reach out and we can chat about what onboarding might look like for your company, from order of events to timeline and all of HubSpot’s excellent customization options.

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