The Short and Sweet of Twitter Marketing Strategies

The Short and Sweet of Twitter Marketing Strategies

Jennelle McGrath Jennelle McGrath 3 min read Apr 9, 2016
Short & Sweet Twitter Marketing Strategies | Market Veep

Twitter has a reputation for being unruly, but it's a substantial opportunity for marketing.

Start developing some Twitter marketing strategies and use them to post a steady stream of content, engage with customers, and generate qualified leads!

In the age of mobile computing, reader interest comes at a high price. You’ve got to give your customer value, and fast. Any time spent dancing around your point is time lost. Twitter is the ultimate embodiment of this new content philosophy. With only 280 characters to deliver (as of November 2017), you’ll really put your summarization skills to the test when developing Twitter marketing strategies!

Here's how to make sure your customers are engaged by each and every character:

What is Twitter Marketing?

In a word, Twitter is designed to be a Reader’s Digest version of every other social media platform. With the finite space you’re given to get your point across, the game changes a little bit. Your Twitter marketing strategies become less about lengthy exposition and testimonials and more about brief, personal, sleek communication with your target audience.

What Does it Do?

Twitter’s strong suit is its concise, up-to-date information delivery. The slim character limit is especially ideal for SMS-based updates. Furthermore, it's available even to those few of us without smartphones. Its system of hashtags make sorting posts a cinch, while Twitter handles (stylized, concise usernames) blur the line between micro-blogging and instant messaging in an ingenious way. 

If you want breaking news delivered to your device without having to scan through an entire op-ed on the subject, Twitter will sum the event up for you. If you want to speak directly to another user but have the content of your exchange available to the public, direct-messaging by including a user’s twitter handle in your message will accomplish just that.

There are tons of novel ways to develop and implement Twitter marketing strategies. In addition, new features are changing them up all the time.

Each user can customize their own profile in a similar fashion to Facebook. You’re able to change your profile picture, cover photo, and theme color, adding a bit of artistic flair to your personal twitter feed.

For businesses and marketers looking to connect with customers quickly and efficiently, there’s no better tool. Targeting your posts becomes incredibly easy with hashtags, especially branded hashtags, enabling millions of people to search for your niche content specifically.

Terms You Should Know

  • Tweet - Micro-blogs or status updates posted on Twitter. Super-condensed, ultra-targeted, perfect for short-and-sweet marketing strategies.
  • Hashtag - a way of filtering content based on the ideas in a tweet, preceded by a pound sign.
    • @Brkfstlover89: Man, I love me a hearty breakfast! #eggsandbacon
      • In this case, the hashtag denotes that this post is about eggs and bacon, despite it never being mentioned in the tweet.
    • @BreakFastCoRise and Shine! Here’s #whatsforbreakfast at our bakery:
      • The hashtag is cleverly worked into this tweet’s message for a more direct approach to categorizing the topic.
  • Twitter Handle - The username of a specific Twitter user. Preceded by an ‘@’ symbol.
    • @Brkfstlover89: Everyone check out these amazing muffins from
      • In this case, Brkfstlover89 posted a tweet that @BreakFastCo will be notified of, since they mentioned their Twitter Handle.
    • BreakFastCo: We’re glad you like our work! Enjoy! @Brkfstlover89
      • This tweet, stylized as a direct response to the previous Twitter user, is a great way to personalize your responses to customers.
  • Retweet - A specific tweet that resonated so well with a reader that they decided to feature it on their own Twitter feed. Extremely similar to a post share on Facebook or LinkedIn.
  • Follower - A Twitter user who’s decided to subscribe to your tweets. Essentially the same as someone following your business on Facebook, or liking your community page.
  • Following - Someone you have chosen to receive updates from whenever they post a new tweet.

How Do I Get Followers?

It’s a pretty simple process:

Post consistently with a focus for each tweet. Niche tags (Things like #contentwriting) tend to draw a more specialized crowd at the risk of gaining less attention, while more general ones (#work, for example) may attract a larger audience with a less-defined interest in your update.

The best way to gain followers quickly is by analyzing what hashtags are hot in your market, and emulating larger influencers. Try to find out what makes them so likable in the Twittersphere, and see if you can create your own personal spin on that success.

That’s really all there is to it!

Marketing Opportunities

Brand awareness is a priceless asset to your company, potentially saving you thousands in consultancy costs. Along with direct engagement with company officials and your customers, Twitter marketing strategies have the ability to completely change how you do business. Twitter offers all of this and more, for free.

Much like Facebook and LinkedIn, Twitter offers advertising services to bring more customers in. However, the organic following you achieve may be more than enough for your purposes!

One awesome feature that Twitter Ads allows you to use is a specialized suite of post analytics, so you know exactly what posts garner the most success. When you use this in tandem with your own market research, you’ll widen your company’s funnel considerably and equip your Twitter marketing strategies with the tools it needs to succeed.

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