5 Types of Webinars People Love

5 Types of Webinars People Love

Jennelle McGrath Jennelle McGrath 3 min read Nov 28, 2017
5 Types of Webinars People Love | Market Veep

The webinars people love are the ones that align with your audience and your goals. For example, your webinar for current customers may be very different from the webinar you put on for new leads, even if they're both educational.

It seems like every business does webinars these days. That doesn't mean the world is too saturated with them, however. Webinars work best when they're intended for a specific audience, about a specific topic, and built to reach a specific goal. The webinar you create for your current customers will be different from the one you create for your leads.

However, there are some tried and true webinar formats that people tend to flock to. Here are some examples of webinars people love:

Educational Webinars

People love to learn, especially if what they learn will make them better at their job. Because of that, they will take their time to attend a webinar if they believe they will get something useful out of it.

In your presentation, talk about the innovative ideas that matter to your unique attendees. Make sure they get the most out of the webinar that they possibly can. The best webinars aren’t preachy or condescending; they add value. Break up how you present your information, using visual aids such as pictures, charts, and videos will help keep your audience engaged.

Panel Webinars

This type of webinar is a great way to extend your audience with your existing network. Reach out to other professionals you know have knowledge on the subject and ask them to join your webinar so they can share their opinions. An audience will stay really engaged with a panel discussing a current trend or issue.

Remember to introduce your panel to legitimize them before beginning. This way your audience will trust the panel before they even speak.

If you have time, grant your audience a Q&A segment with your industry professional or professionals at the end of your webinar. It’s a way of giving your audience insider access that they wouldn’t get otherwise. It also helps to address any questions you didn’t answer in your panel discussion.

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Interview Webinars

An interview panel is another way to introduce a person to your audience. Invite anyone you’d like and interview them on a topic. Unlike educational webinars and industry professional presentations, this is a natural webinar that doesn’t require a presentation or much preparation. Have the interview flow like a typical conversation.

Make sure both the topic and the interviewee are engaging to the audience. You can even do an interview with your own CEO. Prepare your questions and make sure you leave time for the interviewee to talk directly to the audience at the end of the session!

Q&A Webinars

Your entire webinar could be a Q&A session. A questions and answers webinar means that the host gets to interact directly with their audience for the duration. Find a software that allows a chat box so viewers can send in questions while you are live on the webinar.

There is not much preparation for these types of webinars, though you may want a member of your team to moderate and record incoming questions so they can feed them to your host. The host must be ready to answer a number of different questions in a timely fashion.

This is an opportunity to get to know your audience better and hear from them about what they want. Q&A webinars are useful for obtaining feedback about a product or for displaying your industry knowledge.

Keynote Webinars

This is one of those webinars people love more than others. They're also probably the most well-known, if not panel discussions.

A keynote webinar usually consists of a single speaker (like a keynote address) and a presentation, such as a slideshow. It gives a clear and neat presentation that will get any point across to an engaged audience. A keynote webinar allows guests to take notes easily or even screenshot each slide. A host can add videos, charts, polls, pictures, and sounds onto a presentation, so make sure you get creative when designing it.

This is an ideal format if you're hosting numerous webinars on a single theme. The keynote webinar will set the standard and all subsequent webinars will follow. A webinar marketing agency can help ensure that each session aligns with the overall theme and maintains high quality.

Create Webinars People Love

If you're just getting started with webinars, you may want to pick one of these formats. But if you've got some good experience and you're satisfied with your production value, try something off the wall. Invite your mom in to be a keynote speaker. Host a panel discussion of your office interns. Give the audience complete control over the webinar's topics.

Who knows? You might come up with a winning formula that other businesses will want to imitate!

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