300+ Business Blog, Content & Newsletter Topic Ideas

300+ Business Blog, Content & Newsletter Topic Ideas

Jennelle McGrath Jennelle McGrath 4 min read Apr 10, 2016
300+ Blog, Content & Newsletter Topic Ideas | Market Veep

When you're trying to come up with new content for your business blog or newsletter, you may be drawing up a blank. The truth is, there's plenty to write about. If you can't come up with your own content, rely on copywriters to create content for you.

If you are ready to start writing your company blog and not sure where to start, here are 300+ business blog, content & newsletter topic ideas to get you started. Nearly one for every day of the year. We've broken it out into categories to make it easy to determine which may best fit your business blog.

Blogging, when done on a regular basis, can drive in new leads and nurture existing leads and clients. Furthermore, content marketing can set your company apart from competitors and make you stand out as in industry expert. In addition to writing your regular business blog posts, newsletters, press releases, and other pieces of content, make sure you have a plan to promote your material.

Spread the word on social media. Offer blog and newsletter updates that get automatically emailed out to subscribers. Also, stay in constant contact with clients by implementing additional touch points. For example, use a service like Constant Contact or Mail Chimp.


  1. Interview employees
  2. Conduct a self-interview
  3. Interview customers
  4. Speak with suppliers and manufacturers
  5. Talk with industry leaders
  6. Team member spotlight
  7. Customer of the week
  8. Guest business blog post


  1. Company photos
  2. Cartoons
  3. Humor photos
  4. Company outings
  5. Meme
  6. A year in company photos
  7. Inside your company
  8. Employee pictures/ bios
  9. Employees working
  10. Hour by hour photos or post


  1. Product video
  2. Music video
  3. Whiteboard videos
  4. Time lapse video of your product of service
  5. Customer testimonials
  6. Founder “about company” video
  7. Philosophy of your company video
  8. Employee videos
  9. Tour of the company
  10. Customer case study


  1. Tutorials
  2. Buying guide
  3. User guides for each product/ service
  4. What to expect guides
  5. Step by step guides with images or videos
  6. Tips and tricks

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  1. To do list
  2. Questions you should ask
  3. List of “hacks”
  4. Yearly reading lists
  5. Business blog lists in your industry
  6. Industry social media to follow
  7. Industry books to read
  8. YouTube list of must sees
  9. List of forums
  10. Write an “ultimate” list
  11. List of your newsletters
  12. Recommended videos
  13. List of online tools
  14. People/ companies to follow with social media handles and company websites
  15. List of industry conferences
  16. List of go to apps
  17. Top “10” list
  18. List of things to improve a skill
  19. Checklists
  20. Common mistakes
  21. Pros and cons list
  22. Comparisons
  23. Link roundup
  24. Lessons learned
  25. Write top “100”
  26. Top things you’ve learned
  27. Strategies
  28. Wish list


  1. Product/ service reviews
  2. App reviews
  3. Book reviews
  4. Conference reviews
  5. Industry organizations/ associations reviews
  6. Business blog reviews


  1. Myths in industry
  2. Trends
  3. News
  4. Industry partnerships with your company
  5. History of your industry
  6. Jokes about your industry
  7. How to get started in your industry as a career
  8. Write about patents in your industry
  9. How current events will affect your industry
  10. End of the week industry news roundup
  11. The future of your industry
  12. Highlight/ spotlight a trade organization/association
  13. Misconceptions about your industry
  14. Laws that affect your industry
  15. Government changes that may affect your industry
  16. Industry standards
  17. Write about industry leaders
  18. Write about industry suppliers/ manufacturers
  19. Common industry keywords/ glossary


  1. Your company culture
  2. Company profile
  3. Founder profile, “meet the founder”
  4. Story behind your company
  5. How your company got its name
  6. Company disasters and how you fixed them
  7. How to connect with your company
  8. Our community
  9. Services you offer
  10. How current events will affect your company
  11. End of the week company roundup
  12. Discuss different types of customers, industries, verticals, company sizes, and how you solve problems for each
  13. Misconceptions about your company
  14. New product release more information/ about
  15. Mission statements
  16. Compare your product to your competitors
  17. Highlight your social media platforms
  18. Company manifesto
  19. How you came up with your newest product/ service
  20. What problem your product/ service solves
  21. What customers need to know
  22. Celebrate your company anniversary
  23. What clients should do in their first day/ week/ month of using your product or service
  24. Company goals for the next 5 years
  25. What sets your product/ service/ company apart?
  26. Who is your ideal customer?
  27. Financing options
  28. Toughest part of your job
  29. Easiest part of your job
  30. How NOT to use your product/ service using humor
  31. Problems your sales people/ customer service people hear
  32. Why choose us
  33. Testimonials
  34. Why you are made in the USA
  35. How you are eco-friendly
  36. Product/service demonstrations
  37. Product/ service features
  38. How it works
  39. A year of company successes
  40. How to maintain our products
  41. Get the most out of our product/ service
  42. Company process
  43. How you improved your product/ service
  44. Unique cases for your product/ service
  45. Thank customers
  46. Customer stories
  47. Staff/ employee guest articles
  48. Recent work/ portfolio
  49. Employee favorites
  50. Announce an open house
  51. Announce a meet up

Fill in the blanks

  1. Official__________
  2. We care because________
  3. Best of______
  4. Did you know _______
  5. Recipes for _______
  6. Do this before ________
  7. Do this after _______
  8. Save time by _________
  9. How to save money by __________
  10. How to pick a ________
  11. The ugly truth about _________
  12. What someone should consider before __________
  13. Most common __________
  14. How _______ impacts ___________
  15. Are you ready for ____________
  16. __________ vs. ___________
  17. Get more from your ___________
  18. When to ________
  19. How to _______
  20. How to be efficient with __________
  21. Learn how to _________
  22. A day in the life of ________
  23. How to get the number 1 for _________
  24. The best _________
  25. Improve your ________
  26. Reasons why ________
  27. How to customize _______
  28. Do _______faster
  29. How to get ________results
  30. Our favorite _______
  31. Ideas for _______
  32. Avoid these mistakes _______
  33. Start here _______
  34. National _______day and how your company celebrated
  35. How NOT to do something
  36. How to become a ________expert


  1. Before the event about
  2. After the event, recap
  3. Invitation to events
  4. List industry conferences
  5. Review conferences
  6. Highlight topics that will be covered during events,what people can expect to learn
  7. Highlight co-branded events, spotlight additional sponsors
  8. Reviews from attendees
  9. Video clips from event

Types/ Styles

  1. Slideshares
  2. Photos
  3. Power Points
  4. Videos
  5. Polls
  6. Awards
  7. Podcasts
  8. Webinars
  9. Surveys
  10. PDF
  11. Infographics
  12. e-books
  13. White papers
  14. Screencast
  15. Seminars
  16. Promotions
  17. Sales
  18. Referral programs
  19. Rewards and loyalty programs
  20. Free samples and trials
  21. Contests
  22. Case studies
  23. Testimonials
  24. Audio posts
  25. Charts and graphs
  26. Online courses
  28. Quizzes
  29. Spreadsheets and worksheets
  30. Giveaways
  31. Create templates
  32. Forums
  33. Photoshoot
  34. Cheat sheets
  35. Gif filled post
  36. Takeaways
  37. Spotlight
  38. Personal story
  39. Seasonal post
  40. 30 day challenge
  41. Collections
  42. DIY
  43. Memorials
  44. Life lessons
  45. Storytelling
  46. Crowdsourced post
  47. Comedy / Funny
  48. Opinions
  49. Post series
  50. Highlights
  51. Favorites
  52. Local content
  53. Open letter
  54. Rant
  55. Horror story
  56. How to solve others problems
  57. Different schools of thought
  58. Suggestions
  59. Screen captures of social media conversations, reviews, feedback
  60. Publish presentations you gave
  61. Announcements
  62. Tips
  63. Gift ideas
  64. Networking
  65. Best tools
  66. New vs. old way of doing something
  67. Fun facts
  68. Statistics, facts and figures
  69. Secrets
  70. Latest news/ events/ trends
  71. Create a series
  72. Question and answer format
  73. Common FAQ’s
  74. Write an A to Z post
  75. Events
  76. Write a makeover post, before and after
  77. Glossary
  78. Resources post
  79. Little known facts
  80. Trending topics
  81. Science backed post
  82. Timelines
  83. Diary entry
  84. Share mistakes
  85. Share experiences
  86. Essential tools
  87. Processes
  88. Educational
  89. Myth vs. fact
  90. Ask us anything
  91. What have you learned in the last year
  92. Where are they now?
  93. Motivational / inspirational

Discover new business blog topics

  1. BuzzSumo
  2. Quota
  3. Buzzfeed
  4. Topsy
  5. Google Trends
  6. Visit competitor websites
  7. Review meta keywords
  8. Use Google Analytics
  9. Use Twitter search
  10. Use Google keyword planner
  11. Mine Pinterest
  12. Review forum questions
  13. Review blog comments
  14. Digg
  15. Reddit
  16. Ask the audience
  17. Perform backlink analysis on competitors to look for more keyword topics
  18. Perform keyword density reports on competitors to look for more keywords
  19. Ask customers
  20. Use LinkedIn groups to discover common topics
  21. Use search engines to search for common industry topics
  22. Recycle an old blog post
  23. Write a blog in response to a comment left on your blog


  1. Volunteering
  2. Charity sponsorships
  3. Community involvement
  4. Company pro bono work
  5. Promote a charity
  6. Cross promote charity
  7. Benefits
  8. Auctions

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